Fare Information

Each one-way trip costs $4.00. You can pay using cash, check, money order, or fare credits.
Exact change is required for all cash payments. Checks and money orders should be made payable to ClasTran. Fare credits may be purchased in advance and will be stored on your account for use on the day of service.
Fares will be collected by the driver when you board the vehicle. Because you may be assigned a different driver for each trip, you may not pay more than what is owed for each one-way trip. If you would like to pay in advance, please contact our administrative office to ask about fare credits or read the section below.
Fare Credits

With fare credits, you have nothing to lose . . . literally! Fare credits are virtual tickets stored on your account with ClasTran for use on the day of service. Purchase fare credits in advance to add funds to your account. Each time you ride, the correct fare will be deducted from your account automatically.
No paper. No hassle. No worries.
Need to know your current balance? Your driver can inform you of the remaining balance on your account each time you ride. You can also call ClasTran for questions about your account or to request monthly transaction statements during office hours.
Purchasing fare credits in advance is a great way to plan ahead and track and budget your transportation expenses.
To purchase fare credits by phone, dial:
205-325-8787, press option 2
*3.5% processing fee applied to all credit/debit card purchases
To purchase fare credits by mail send your check or money order to:
P.O. Box 10386
Birmingham, AL 35202
To purchase fare credits in person visit our office at:
2100 16th Avenue Soute, Suite 55
Birmingham, AL 35205