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On the Road | a public transit blog

ClasTran provided paratransit services to hundreds of senior citizens attending the “I Cared Enough” event which took place at the Bill Harris Arena on Tuesday, November 20th. “I Cared Enough” is an annual, city-wide Thanksgiving outreach that provides a hot meal, entertainment, and many free services to the poor in Birmingham, Alabama. Free groceries, free clothes, and free medical screenings were just some of the services provided. ClasTran is proud to provide better access to events like these for the elderly and disabled in Jefferson County.

ClasTran provided over 165,000 trips during FY 2018, more than ever before. Federal and local funding for the non-profit public transit provider has decreased in recent years, and the management staff has had to find more ways to increase operational efficiency to provide the same level of service.

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